Umbrella Token Bridge

Wallet not connected

Welcome to the Umbrella Token Bridge. This bridge allows you to transfer our UMB Token cross chain between Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Blockchain.


  1. Connect your wallet. This is the wallet where you will be transferring tokens out of and it should match the wallet used to receive the tokens.

  2. Input the token amount you want to transfer.

  3. Click the ‘Send Tokens’ button.

  4. When prompted, review the values and confirm transaction.

  5. Once the tokens are sent, you will be prompted to switch your wallet over to the receiving chain.

  6. Note 1: If you are resuming the Transfer process and have already sent tokens, click on the ‘Already Sent Tokens?’ link on the bottom-right to proceed.

    Note 2: Please take into consideration that the whole Transfer process takes two transactions: one on the source chain, and a second on the receiving chain.

  1. After switching chains, the token, transaction ID and token amount will be autofilled with your latest transfer. Please just click on the ‘Withdraw Tokens’ button.

  2. You will once again be prompted with a transaction on your wallet. When this transaction is processed, your tokens will be transferred from the bridge to your wallet.

  3. Note: If the token, transaction ID and amount are not autofilled for some reason, you can find them on your wallet activity or through the source chain’s block scanner directly. Please make sure that the amount to Withdraw (including decimals) matches the amount Sent.


Source Chain


Target Chain





Source Chain


Target Chain

Transaction ID

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